Awards and publications


UK News Group
Article feature


Award winning young artist raises money to save endangered animals

“Berkshire-based artist Jennifer Starnes uses her awe-inspiring artwork to raise money for endangered animals.”


‘The Alternative Dog’ magazine


New artist on the block

“Looking for someone to draw or paint your cat or dog? We are happy to recommend Jennifer Starnes, a young artist who has been recommended to us by several Honey’s customers.”

My Dog Star reading the magazine article

Explorers against extinction
’Sketch for Survival’

2023 - semi finalist
2022 - finalist

I’m honoured to support the ‘Sketch for Survival’ initiative for two consecutive years, being awarded a semi finalist and finalist out of 4,000+ global entries.

The initiative aims to raise awareness for endangered animals by auctioning artwork with the proceeds going to support conservation projects worldwide.

2022: ’Sketch for Survival’, London, UK.

My orangutan drawing ‘Hope’ was a finalist in the ‘sketch for survival’ collection and was on display throughout an exhibition tour across the UK.

The original drawing was then auctioned online, raising £380 for charity.

Theo Paphitis ‘Small Business Sunday’
2023 - winner

My art business was awarded as a ‘Small Business Sunday’ winner.

It was inspiring to meet Theo and receive my certificate at an event in Birmingham in February 2023.

BA Art and Psychology degree
University of Reading